The build combines five things that, alone, are already very powerful.
A shield for absorbing damage and allowing a player to advance aggressively on targets.
DeadEYE, which allows for 100% CHC with any MMR.
The Bliss holster, which stacks damage per sidearm shot and inflicts Disrupt.
An Urban MDR, which provides an option for exploiting the Disrupt status effect, provides additional firepower from a distance, and allows for the exploitation of CC skills used by teammates or the environment.
Decisive gloves, which provide additional damage for sidearms.
The build also exploits the existing threat mechanics. Although the shield generates threat, the extensive use of silencers results in enemies only displaying two NPC behaviors: running past the user or enemy suppression. When firing the sidearm rapidly, many NPCs will be suppressed and will remain so even as the user walks up to their hiding place and unloads their weapon at point blank range.
This build is often used in PUGs for Legendary or Challenging missions. With at least 145k Skill Power, it can be the last man standing, provide overwatch, and recover the team at clutch moments. It can selectively kill targets and jam enemy skills users and their deployables. Enemies that engage this build wind up Pulsed, subjecting them to additional CHD from both DeadEYE and the Urban MDR.